2020-2030, The Blockchain Decade

It has been a decade since inception of Bitcoin Blockchain in 2009. For last few years, the blockchain mania has taken the mindshare of every possible industry/use-case, yet it continues to linger on the fringes of “the chasm”. The chasm is part of the sociological model depicting the technology adoption lifecycle. Crossing the chasm is the most difficult step of making the transition from early adopters to majority.

Every technical innovation goes through this lifecycle. In the case of “internet”, this crossing of chasm was marked by the launch of Netscape. In the early 90’s the “internet” phenomenon was gradually gaining foothold for almost a decade but it largely remained limited to the military and academic professionals.

The development of Mosaic browser in 1993 was aimed at bringing the “internet” to masses. It addressed usability issues by providing integrated graphics and ability to download on Microsoft Windows operating system. While Mosaic provided the required impetus for the adoption of internet, it was built under the aegis of NCSA, which had a license-based enterprise sales model in mind. This sales strategy was eroding the true vision of developing such a browser.

By summer of 1994 Marc Andreessen and some of his Mosaic colleagues joined Netscape. Netscape browser was created with a vision of “internet” for everyone. It was a consumer-first design, interoperable and most importantly FREE. Their first web browser, Netscape Navigator took 75% of the browser market within four months of release. Netscape also revolutionized the financial model and went public in August 1995 without turning profitable.

Till date, Netscape’s IPO day gain of 107% is well ahead of the likes of Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Their market net worth was well over USD 2 Billion in about a minute post launch.

Next evolution of Internet - The Blockchain

This would be the decade when blockchain crosses the chasm and reaches the masses. Archethic blockchain has all the required elements to provide the blockchain’s “Netscape” moment. Archethic blockchain and biometric solution is designed grounds-up for mass adoption. After 4 years of research, Uniris has 12 strong international patents that provide the technological attributes lacking in the predecessors – scalability, speed, reliability and simplicity of native biometric recognition. Furthermore, these patents would be given to open source community to foster participation and hence accelerate the pace of innovation.

Here are some elements that position us well to mimic the internet’s “Netscape” moment:

Transaction service outperforming the market standards, closely integrated with biometrics’ native Identity,

Ergonomics: The easiest and most efficient platform that any developer or entrepreneur can use to create their blockchain-based product or service

Scalability: ability to handle over 1 million transactions/sec

Instantaneous: < 5 sec validation time

Security: 0.0000001% risk of fraud even with 90% of malicious nodes

Sustainability: 3.6 Billion times less energy consumption than Bitcoin, 0.1% average transaction costs

Archethic Blockchain & Uniris-Biometry certified for access control to the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics (over 8 Million users expected)

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 aiming to create a new Decentralized Internet.

Its blockchain infrastructure is the most scalable, secure & energy-efficient solution on the market thanks to the implementation of a new consensus: "ARCH".

Archethic smart contracts expand developers' boundaries by introducing internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content & interpreted language.

Through native integration for DeFi, NFTs & decentralized identity; Archethic offers an inclusive and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains.

In order to achieve the long-term vision of an autonomous network in the hands of the world population, we developed a biometric device respecting personal data privacy (GDPR compliant).

Making the blockchain world accessible with the tip of a finger. Be the only key! https://www.archethic.net/

Archethic Foundation Non-profit in order to manage decentralized governance of the public blockchain

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