Archethic & IO-EKO Partnership : The first Bora Bora Replica Metaverse introducing Protect-To-Earn

Archethic is pleased to introduce our new strategic partner — IO-EKO, the first metaverse introducing Protect-To-Earn (PTO) concept in collaboration with Bora Bora Municipality.

Archethic strives to include promising projects early on to create traffic & cross-chain synergies in order to boost ecosystem growth & use-case innovation.

Why IO-EKO ?

Metaverse industry is expected to be worth around 426B in 2027.

As the nightless blockchain ecosystem is evolving at fast pace, here at Archethic we want to make sure to integrate blue chips projects such as Io-Eko into our ecosystem in order to capture value for our community and investors.

We need to gather the best projects of each industry transversal in order to create a dynamic and active community for our launch. We selected Io-Eko because they are driving innovation as a fully decentralized metaverse smart-island merging web 3 use-cases with real world impacts.

Io-Eko strives to create a new metaverse concept : Protect-To Earn.
Users will have 360° VR gaming experience on IO-Island, the exact replication of Bora Bora, collecting nfts & creating synergies linked with real businesses.

The missing link between reality and virtuality.

IO-EKO vision :

"To achieve this goal, IO-EKO aims to establish a sustainable relationship between local communities, private, public and associative actors, putting mankind common interests in the forefront of technology innovation to create value while protecting naturals ecosystems "

Yann, CEO of IO-EKO :

"We are experimenting with IO-ISLAND on Bora-Bora before replicating this model around the world: islands, large cities, or any other ecosystem to be protected.  

We are eager to see the positive impact of this project on the islands natural ecosystems.

Our IO-VANILLE program, currently being tested with Vanill'Art in Mauritius, will also allow us to replicate the model to other key products such as cocoa, coffee or rosewood."

IO-EKO's goal, as the GreenTech laboratory of the future, is to become the international leader in the protection of natural ecosystems.

Users will be rewarded for actions to protect natural ecosystems, creating the first PROTECT-TO-EARN  in the crypto industry.

Model will be replicable, adaptative & economically sustainable to ensure viral adoption from diverse ecosystems and resources around the globe.

Press Release :

Follow IO-EKO

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🏝 IO-Island

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👾 Discord

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 blockchain that seeks to empower people over data ownership, decentralized applications over slow internet, and cost-effective energy solutions over expensive carbon emissions.

Due to the use of a new consensus called "ARCH," its blockchain architecture is the most scalable, secure, and energy-efficient solution on the market.

With the addition of an internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content, and interpreted language, Archethic smart contracts broaden the capabilities of developers and builders!

Archethic provides an open and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains with native integration for Defi, NFTs, and decentralized identities.

Let us work together to empower {Human; Nature; Apps} era of Web3

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