Archethic & tOOin strategic partnership : Avatar digitalization into the metaverse

Archethic is pleased to introduce our new strategic partner — tOOin, which aims to revolutionize the way your data is monetized and earn money by creating a digital identity that can be used anywhere on the internet.

Archethic strives to include promising Dapps to bootstrap ecosystem launch.

Why tOOin?

Metaverses & digital identities are core features of web3 and the future of blockchain.

As the nightless blockchain ecosystem is evolving at fast pace, here at Archethic we want to make sure to integrate blue chips projects such as tOOin, into our ecosystem in order to capture value for our community and investors.

tOOin strives to give you back power  over your personal data. Create more trust and redistribution in web3 by making their technology accessible to everyone, thus creating the largest database of 3D digital identities in the world.

They are currently closing their equity final investment round before christmas.

This support our vision of integrating promising projects in order to create traffic through disruptive Dapps on Archethic Public Blockchain

Follow tOOin

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Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 blockchain that seeks to empower people over data ownership, decentralized applications over slow internet, and cost-effective energy solutions over expensive carbon emissions.

Due to the use of a new consensus called "ARCH," its blockchain architecture is the most scalable, secure, and energy-efficient solution on the market.

With the addition of an internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content, and interpreted language, Archethic smart contracts broaden the capabilities of developers and builders!

Archethic provides an open and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains with native integration for Defi, NFTs, and decentralized identities.

Let us work together to empower {Human; Nature; Apps} era of Web3

Archethic Foundation Non-profit in order to manage decentralized governance of the public blockchain

Do you want to learn more?  

White Paper
Yellow Paper

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