Mainnet launch, Bug Bounty

Archethic developments in the last month have been focused on the release of the mainnet and the launch of the bug bounty.

No major features, but for our goal of transparency we want to give you some update on it.

Mainnet launch

We have started the rolling-launch of the mainnet with linear increase in the number of nodes.
Our strategy in terms of deployment is to add more and more nodes over time while stabilizing the network and making sure the network behaves well.

We also got some feedback, and we analyzed our transaction validation to be around 2s from the mining process until the complete validation.
From the Archethic's wallet, all the transactions take between 3-4 seconds starting from the send button to the reception on another account.

We have fixed some issues regarding latency corrections, and we are still fixing others to make the system more reliable with different network setup and connections around the world.

Bug Bounty

This month was the launch of the Bug Bounty program, and it has been good so far.  

Several products/applications received feedbacks and contributions.

We can see the Wallet (63%) and the Node (23%) (Explorer/Faucet/Network) have been solicited in priority.

Distribution of contributions for the bug bounty by product

Note: some issues have been detected by the team prior or during bug bounty, but not reported in this status.

For now, almost half the issues have been analyzed and resolved.
The rest is either under triage or work in progress; based on the reproducibility and the difficulty of the problem.

Distribution of issues opened / closed since the beginning of the bug bounty by product


A big thanks to the Archethic community and to all developers who came forward to provide inputs, thoughts, and contributions, helping us to make the network and applications better.

Archethic Wallet

Our wallet is now available on Android and macOS. Windows, iOS, Linux and Web versions are coming soon, we will keep you informed about the same on our social media. You can download the latest version of our wallet here.

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 blockchain that seeks to empower people over data ownership, decentralized applications over slow internet, and cost-effective energy solutions over expensive carbon emissions.

Due to the use of a new consensus called "ARCH," its blockchain architecture is the most scalable, secure, and energy-efficient solution on the market.

With the addition of an internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content, and interpreted language, Archethic smart contracts broaden the capabilities of developers and builders!

Archethic provides an open and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains with native integration for Defi, NFTs, and decentralized identities.

Let us work together to empower {Human; Nature; Apps} era of Web3

Archethic Foundation Non-profit in order to manage decentralized governance of the public blockchain

Do you want to learn more?  

White Paper
Yellow Paper

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