Archethic TechUpdate - Feb 2022

The Archethic network announced a new release end of February.

What is about ?

This network upgrade improves the overall behavior and functioning of the network, while introduces new changes and improvements to the protocol, explorer and decentralized apps.

Explorer changes

  1. Sharded Explorer

We introduced a new feature in the explorer to bring real time property to the BeaconChain explorer. This is an important milestone as Archethic is a fully and multi-layered sharding network.‌‌ Indeed, current blockchain explorers work like single and centralized relays of information by joining a network and listening new blocks and transactions.

Sharded network work differently: information is split and shared over a network. Hence, not all the participants have the same information. So, in terms of exploration and navigation, this brings complexity. To tackle this problem, Archethic leverages BeaconChains which supervise the sharded network and give us a global view among the shards.

This is not a new concept, other blockchains leverages that, however they are using a single beacon chain, whereas Archethic uses several beacon chains which rotate over time to support a better scalability and decentralization.

Therefore, the Archethic's sharded explorer monitors multiple beacon chains to  bring real time to the users, which is a new innovation in the market.

Now clients can go to, and new transaction will be displayed in real time.

2. Metrics dashboard

We introduced another component to the explorer which is a nearly real time dashboard to see network metrics such as Transaction Per Second (TPS), Validation time, etc.

This is also an innovation because this dashboard is aggregating metrics, not only for a single node but, from the entire network. This gives us an overall fair view of the capacity of the network and provide some interesting insights.

An effort was taken to set up this dashboard as it's the public facing and analytics of the network. In details, each node is already exposing some endpoint to access the latest metrics by the system. So in an aggregated manner, the explorer is polling and scrapping those metrics from multiple entries to provide an honest view of the network.

You can have a look at:

3. OracleChain & UCO Price

Now, each UCO amount is the explorer, will be joined by its equivalent in USD in the explorer. This change is showing the benefit of the OracleChain and how we can leverage it also in the User Interface.

Protocol changes

We also worked on some updates relating to bug fixing or new features for the protocol itself.

  1. We introduced a new cryptography primitive, by adding a new metadata information at the beginning of the transaction addresses, to make cryptography evolution easier.
  2. Furthermore, we also improved the sharding and the validation of transaction by adding a new concept called: Replication Attestation which will assert the atomic commitment in the replication and prevent network inconsistency. Now, clients can have the capacity to know how many confirmations received for the submitted transaction.

DApps changes

  • A new release of the AEWeb CLI (Command Line Interface) have been released. This brings the capability to host an entire folder and a static website on the Archethic network. The latter would bring Web3.0 even closer to users and developers to deploy decentralized websites. Checkout at:
  • New API is available for developers to fetch transaction fee and the network transaction listing. This brings dApps supports for OracleChain information and exact transaction fee information before submitting a transaction.

Biometrics updates

  • Advanced area research have been done to select the best solution to support deterministic identification for fingerprints and finger veins
  • Extraction of reproducible Minutiae for lateral fingerprint

Thank You!

A big thanks to the Archethic community and to all Archethic  developers who come together to provide  input, thoughts, and contributions.

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 aiming to create a new Decentralized Internet.

Its blockchain infrastructure is the most scalable, secure & energy-efficient solution on the market thanks to the implementation of a new consensus: "ARCH".

Archethic smart contracts expand developers' boundaries by introducing internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content & interpreted language.

Through native integration for DeFi, NFTs & decentralized identity; Archethic offers an inclusive and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains.

In order to achieve the long-term vision of an autonomous network in the hands of the world population, we developed a biometric device respecting personal data privacy (GDPR compliant).

Making the blockchain world accessible with the tip of a finger. Be the only key!

Archethic Foundation Non-profit in order to manage decentralized governance of the public blockchain

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