Performances & Security - Archethic Tech Update

In the last October, Archethic network released a new version of its protocol to achieve more stability, performance and deliver better to the ecosystem.

As the arrival of the public mainnet is closed, we emphasize our tasks and priorities on the stability to make it more secure and reliable.

Bug fixing is then our main activity, and we thank the community for the reported issues in the bug-bounty program.


  1. P2P

A huge amount of work have been done to improve our P2P network in terms of communication and synchronization. This helps to reduce the complexity and issues during node's bootstrapping or self-repair.

2. Beacon Chain

We also worked to improve the scalability and performances of the network, specially on the BeaconChain. We reduce the size of the stored beacon chain by aggregating the data for each self-repair (daily).
This changes helps us to reduce the overall size by x8.5 (from 94MB -> 11MB)

This brings also better performance in the explorer to fetch quickly the sharded information from the BeaconChain.


  1. Node

We worked particularly to harden the security of the node's cryptography by leveraging more hardware component (as TPM). A few months ago, we shifted to a hybrid node's cryptography - using both software and hardware keys.

Hence, to secure the software model of the cryptography we implemented secrets wrapping and secure it with TPM & Hardware implementations (more implementation details can be found on Github -

2. Origin devices

We also worked to enhance the origin device key proposal.
A better verification for the keys and certificates is now available to provide more trust in the Proof of Work algorithm.  

3. AEWeb

The first big DApp build on Archethic being decentralized web hosting with AEWEB. We have improved the security of the delivery of websites by using a new way to route requests to your hosted website along with certificates.

For a real example, you can visit the on-chain version of


We also would like to thank all the contributors which are giving us feedbacks and report issues for the bug-bounty campaign, bringing more stability and security to the network.

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 blockchain that seeks to empower people over data ownership, decentralized applications over slow internet, and cost-effective energy solutions over expensive carbon emissions.

Due to the use of a new consensus called "ARCH," its blockchain architecture is the most scalable, secure, and energy-efficient solution on the market.

With the addition of an internal oracle, time-triggers, editable content, and interpreted language, Archethic smart contracts broaden the capabilities of developers and builders!

Archethic provides an open and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains with native integration for Defi, NFTs, and decentralized identities.

Let us work together to empower {Human; Nature; Apps} era of Web3

Archethic Foundation Non-profit to manage decentralized governance of the public blockchain

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